Starting your Business
You will learn how to set up your business and conduct your relationships with your clients, veterinarians, and competitors. You will also learn why you should work closely with each of these groups.
A minimum enrollment of 15-20 students per course is required. The following is a description of our mobile course curriculum.
This mobile course is a great idea for: Evaluation of your horses feet, Saddle Clubs – FFA -, 4-H Clubs, Guest Ranches (Wranglers), Rodeo Clubs, Agriculture Schools, Riding/Boarding Stables, Reservations- Wrangler Schools Classes are available nationwide with advance booking and deposits required just two weeks before class.
Learn to recognize the following:
- Correct & incorrect combinations
- Pastern angle of hoof
- Skeletal structure from the knee down
- Different types of ailments:
- White Line Disease
- Navicular Abscess
- Barrel Cactus
- Lamints or Founder
- Ring Bone
- Thrush
- Long Toe – Low Heels
Learn the difference between a certified farrier and a Cowboy shoer and 45 questions everyone should ask their farrier.
LENGTH: 3 days (24 hours of instruction)
TUITION: $900.00/person (minimum of 15-20 per clinic)
SPECTATORS: $125.00 (9 am until Noon first day only)
TOOL RENTAL: $250.00
TOOL PURCHASE: $1,200.00 (Economy Hand Tool Set)
OPTIONAL TOOLS: $700.00 (Trim and Balance only)
Credit cards accepted